Scientific Review of Physical Culture

e-ISSN 2658-0802
p-ISSN 2083-859X

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  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland)
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1. „Scientific Review of Physical Culture ” (Former Journal of Health Promotion and Recreation) is an official quarterly published by University of Rzeszów , directed to wide group of scientists, practicians, and students interested in physical culture in an interdisciplinary aspect.
2. The Review accepts unpublished original and significant works written in English, in an electronic version. The journal also publishes: scientific papers (original studies and review articles), research reports, observations, brief communications and comments, book reviews, as well as both chronicle and editorial news (written in Polish and English).
3. There are the following thematic sections:
  • History of Physical Culture
  • Physical Anthropology
  • Physical Education and Sport
  • Tourism
  • Recreation
  • Health Promotion
  • Social and Humanistic aspects of Physical Culture
How to make an article ready for publishing
1. Ready-made article prepared according to technical instructions below should be sent by the Author using e-mail adress:  

2. The article should be accompanied by scan or original version of “ENTRY FORM” (according to the form attached), as well as the Author's letter to the Editor asking for publication of the paper in this Journal, and written statement with declaration that the manuscript was not submitted to any other publisher(s).
3. The Editor notifies the Author(s) about submission of manuscript and maintains further correspondence.
4. Articles submitted to the Editor undergo anonymous review, at least by two independent reviewers. The last decision of acceptance or rejection of the article is made by the Editorial staff and it is irrevocable. The Editor doesn’t have to justify its decisions.
Technical instructions
Manuscripts should be prepared on A-4 format with a margin of 2,5 cm on both sides, with 1.0 line space, font Times New Roman 12 pts. First line of each paragraph should begin with 1cm indentation. Titles and subtitles should be written in bold capital letters without quotation marks and dots. The paper submitted should be prepared and sent in an electronic version in .doc or .docx. format.
The Editor requires the following composition of works:
  • Author/s name and surname;
  • The author/s affiliation;

Due to counteract the phenomenon of ghostwriting, we need your information on 'Author's Contribution':
A - Study Design
B - Data Collection
C - Statistical Analysis
D - Data Interpretation
E - Manuscript Preparation
F - Literature Search
G - Funds Collection
Both the whole text and the abstract in English (from 200 to 250 words) should have the following structure (original works): Introduction, the aim of the work, the material and the methodology, results, and conclusions;
Key words can not be a repetition of the title. When choosing key words it is recommended to make use of Medical Subject Headings;

The journal uses a form similar to the Harvard reference system in the "Idokan Poland Association style" (IPA). For example, if the author quotes someone else's work, it should be presented in the following manner: [Capra 1987: 50-51; Sasaki 2009] or [Rżany, Cynarski 2001; cf. Cynarski et al. 2002; Czajkowski 2007a, b; Cynarski, Skowron 2014]. Footnotes with continuous numbering should include only additional information and not other authors’ works quoted in the article.
For works on history or cultural issues a sources (“SOURCES”) section can be added, as direct interviews, important documents, not scientific literature, films or electronic sources. E.g.:
1. Sieber Lothar (2013), GM, meijin in jujutsu and karate, 10 dan; direct interview, Munich, Feb.
2. Rut P. (2014), 3rd World Scientific Congress of IMACSSS, Rzeszow 2014, documentary.
3. (access Sep. 2014).
The list of references should contain only the authors cited in the text. The reference section ("REFERENCES") should be in the following forms:
1. Capra F. (1987), The Turning Point. Science, Society, and the Rising Culture, PIW, Warsaw [in Polish].

2. Cynarski W.J., Litwiniuk A., Warchol K., Buchhold M. (2002), Participation in Far-Eastern sports and martial arts in a few chosen countries, "Rocznik Naukowy ZWWF Biala Podlaska", vol. 9, pp. 271-287.

3. Czajkowski Z. (2007a), The influence of chosen factors on athletes' competition results in different stages of training - exemplified by fencing, "Ido – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture", vol. 7, pp. 116-123.

4. Czajkowski Z. (2007b), How to be a successful coach?, "Ido – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture", vol. 7, pp. 174-181.

5. Rzany R., Cynarski W.J. (2001), Modern Budo creators: Kano, Funakoshi, Ueshiba, "Ido – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture", vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 384-395.

6. Sasaki T. (2009), Budo (the Martial Arts) as Japanese Culture: The outlook on the techniques and the outlook on the human being [in:] W.J. Cynarski [ed.], Martial Arts and Combat Sports: Humanistic Outlook, Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszow, pp. 12-19.

7. Cynarski W.J., Skowron J. (2014), An analysis of the conceptual language used for the general theory of martial arts - Japanese, Polish and English terminology, "Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology", vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 49-66; doi: 10.14589/ido.14.3.7.
Pictures, tables and figures should be placed in the text and described with descriptions. The editorial staff reserves the possibility of putting descriptions mentioned in accordance to unified scheme of the Journal.
Instructions for works related to History of Physical Culture
Works related to History of Physical Culture area should have the following structure: introduction (up to 20 sentences), the main part (up to exhaustion a topic with all the footnotes). In this kind of works authors should use footnotes.
The other arrangements
1. The manuscripts having no connections with the subject area of the Journal as well as prepared in form inconsistent with the regulations listed above can not be published in “Scientific Review of Physical Culture”.
2. The Editor reserves the right to make some corrections in style, phraseology, arrangement of tables, making necessary abbreviations, etc., without communicating with the Author. The Author is responsible for translation and preparation of the publication.
3. The Editor requires from the Authors an absolute scientific reliability as well as obeying ethic rules standing in the science works.
4. The Editor informs that commercial advertisements can be printed only on editorial pages of the Journal.
Conflicts of interest and other problems
Any cases of duplicate publication, plagiarism, fabricated data, ghostwriting/guest authorship, etc. are indications of scientific dishonesty and all such cases will be exposed and appropriate institutions will be informed. Our Editorial Office will obtain information on sources of financing of a publication, financial contributions by research institutions or scientific associations and any other (financial disclosure). Authors should disclose at the time of submission any financial arrangement they may have.

Files: Entry_form.pdf
Scientific Review of Physical Culture
Towarnickiego street 3, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland